Long division and multiplication are important skills to have. Sometimes these skills are tough for students, so why not make it fun? If you are looking for a fun and easy way to teach or review multiplication and division and give your 4th, 5th, or 6th grade students more practice with these skills, these division practice worksheets and multiplication worksheets are the answer! Students love these division and multiplication activities because if they solve the problems correctly, they will find the answer to a fun riddle! This is a bundle of three resources that will save you money!
Long Division Activities
These division activities include 2 resources. The first set includes 10 long division practice worksheets. All division problems are 2 digit by 1 digit. The second set also includes 10 long division practice worksheets. All division problems are 3 digit by 2 digit. There are no remainders on the worksheets.
Multiplication Activities
These multiplication activities include 1 resource. It’s a set of 10 multiplication practice worksheets. All multiplication problems are 2 X 2 digit.
There are many strategies for solving multiplication, division and long division problems. No matter which ones you teach, students will get lots of practice with these engaging worksheets. Students love these multiplication and long division activities because of the fun riddles at the end! These are perfect for 4th grade students, 5th grade students, and 6th grade students!
Each long division activity includes:
10 division worksheets with self-checking riddles
graph paper to help students work out the division problems
answer keys
a digital version in Google Slides
The multiplication activity includes:
10 multiplication worksheets with self-checking riddles
graph paper to help students work out the multiplication problems
answer keys
a digital version in Google Slides
There are many ways to use these math worksheets in your classroom:
whole group math instruction
small group math instruction
math centers and stations
early finishers
classwork assignment
introduction to long division
Introduction to multiplication
division practice
multiplication practice
leave for a substitute
bell-ringer activity
morning work activity
test prep
distance learning activity
Supports Common Core Standards (CCSS):
Copyright © Monica Parsons.
Permission to copy for single classroom/homeschool use only.