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TPT Review Credits: Your Key to Saving Big on Teaching Resources


TPT Review Credits

Are you a teacher looking for ways to save money on teaching resources? Look no further than TPT Review Credits – your key to savings! TPT (Teachers Pay Teachers) Review Credits are a fantastic way for educators to maximize their budget while still accessing high-quality teaching materials.

What are TPT Review Credits?

TPT Review Credits are a reward system provided by Teachers Pay Teachers. When you purchase resources from the TPT, you have the opportunity to leave feedback and earn credits in return. These credits can then be used to reduce the cost of future purchases, allowing you to stretch your budget and access even more valuable resources.

What do I Say in My Review?

When you make a purchase on Teachers Pay Teachers, download the resource and use it in your classroom. Take some time to thoroughly review and evaluate the resource. Help other teachers by telling them what you liked about the resource. Here are some ideas:

  • Tell teachers how you used the resource. Here are some ideas:

    • Whole group

    • Small group

    • Center or station activity

    • Morning work or bell-ringer

    • Homework

    • Left for a substitute

    • Remote or virtual learning

  • Tell us why you needed this resource in your classroom. Here are some ideas:

    • Instruction

    • Review

    • Test prep

    • Extra practice

    • Assessment

  • Tell everyone your favorite things about the resource. Here are a few ideas:

    • It was easy to use.

    • The students were engaged.

    • I saw a lot of growth in students.

    • My students were excited to use this resource.

    • The resource was well-made.

    • It aligned with state standards.

How do I Leave a Review?

Leaving a review is simple. Follow the steps in the image below


What are the Credits Worth?

When you leave a TPT review, you'll earn 1 credit for every $1 you spent on TPT for that resource. Each credit has a value of 5 cents, so every 20 credits earned equals $1 you can apply to future purchases. Here is the link for more information on TPT review credits.

More About the Ratings System

TPT is an amazing community of collaborators. When you leave a review, we want an honest reflection of your experiences with the resources you purchase. With that in mind, here are some tips:

  • Read all of the materials in the resource before you use it. Many teacher authors will include an FAQ page, a "how to use" page, or other helpful information.

  • Use the resource in your classroom before you leave a review.

  • If you see a typographical error, or another mistake, reach out to the author that created your resource. As a TPT community, we all want our resources to be error-free and easy to use, but mistakes do happen. If you have a problem or a concern, bring it to the seller's attention. You can reach out to sellers in the following ways:

    • Ask a question on the Q & A tab in the seller's store.

    • Email the person who created the resource. Most sellers include their email address within the resource.

  • If you are having technical difficulties with a resource, you can contact TPT's Customer Experience Team for help.

  • Treat others the way you want to be treated. If the resource is great and it matches the description, please leave feedback that reflects that.

  • If you have an idea to make the resource even better, feel free to share that with the seller through the Q & A tab or by sending an email.

Time to Save Money!

Now it's time to go to Teachers Pay Teachers! Look through your purchases and start writing reviews. You will earn credits with every review, and you can use them to purchase new resources for your classroom!


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